Traveling in the central United States
Hannah Sculley
Sophomore - Corinth, MS - Music Education
Tiffany Ashmore
Junior - Sarasota, FL - Music Education
Diana Gee
Senior - Fort Pierce, FL - Music Education
Krystal Ashmore
Senior - Sarasota, FL - Secondary Education Math
Livonia, Michigan
Pastor Steve Brown
We received a warm welcome from the church family of Parkview Baptist Church. Pastor and Mrs. Brown were very kind to us, and we enjoyed our time here. This church has a strong connection to Crown College as all of the pastor's children and many members have attended Crown. We met many current students and graduates of Crown such as Daniel Brown, Jeremiah Williams, Cory Shultz, and Kristina Sharpeta. Alyssa Cooke is also a member of this church but was able to attend the evening service

We have now ended our travels in the Central United States this summer. Each of us are grateful for the opportunity that God has given us to minister in these churches over the past thirteen weeks. Our Heavenly Father has been so good to us, and we rejoice that He has allowed us to do this good work. This has truly been "The Greatest Summer of Our Lives."

Dearborn hights, Michigan
Pastor Staub
We had many opportunities to minister as we sang, testified, and taught in children's church. Krystal and Hannah taught the primary class while Diana and Tiffany taught the juniors. The Ashmore sisters had the joy of seeing their aunt and cousin once again before leaving for home.

Thank you, Pastor and Mrs. Staub, for such a wonderful lunch and the good fellowship to follow; spending time with you was greatly refreshing. Please continue to pray for us as we head home tomorrow.
Pastor Mike Sullivan
Onaway, MI

It was exciting to hear from Pastor Sullivan that his church is beginning to build their first building. They have been meeting for several years in a rented facility and looking forward to this time. The men will be meeting next week to put up the first trusses and are thankful for how God has blessed!
After enjoying dinner at the pastor's home with his family, we headed off to set up for the evening service.

The members of this church were very encouraging to us as Mr. Swain preached a message on the unprofitable servant and we sang several songs. We met Marion from Colorado, who was visiting her sister, and invited her to join our group since she was already dressed for the part. :)

We enjoyed spending the night in the homes of the Olds family, Mrs. Peggy Kosnik, and Pastor and Mrs. Sullivan. Mrs. Kosnik is the mother of Bro. Scott Schuler who is a member of Temple Baptist Church, and she often visits our services. Thank you to all of you for taking such good care of us!
Pastor Bill Kuiper
Kalkaska, MI

When we arrived at Evergreen Bible Baptist Church, we were warmly welcomed by the pastor, his family, and some church members. All of us enjoyed the meal provided and the fellowship. We were delighted to meet Mandy Roberts who is coming to Crown this fall. She had lots of questions for us.

The Swains were delighted to see Ben Cupp and Callie Guntzviller, former Crown students who are planning on getting married in August. We enjoyed talking with them and Callie's family. We also enjoyed the delicious raspberries and cherries they brought us from their berry farm!

We were glad to be a blessing to this church and pastor. Thank you, Pastor and Mrs. Kuiper, for all you did for us while we were with you.
Manton, Michigan
Pastor Dan Hemmes

On our way to Manton Baptist Church we passed a sign for Singing Pines Baptist Camp. We wondered if it might belong to this church, and our suspicions were confirmed when we arrived and met Pastor Hemmes. He shared with us how God had blessed with seventy-six acres of property in an area with a beautiful landscape. The church family has been developing this property over the years and now have two large multiuse buildings. They hope to build cabins soon.

Many church members said they were encouraged by our singing, Mr. Swain's preaching, and viewing the "Take the High Road" video. We were encouraged by those we met as well. There were many children in the church (some were the pastor's grandchildren). Four-year-old Andrea wanted each of us to hold her after the service and we were happy to!

This is the home church of Victoria Happle, a former Crown student. Victoria's parents asked us that we keep her in our prayers as she has been challenged with some health problems. Please pray for her as well as for us as we finish our last meetings.
Pastor Rogers
Rogers City, Michigan

It was encouraging to see Pastor Rogers and his family again; we had such good fellowship with them at the "God's Grace Conference" in early June. We arrived just in time to help the pastor and his family with the nursing home ministry at TenderCare. The meeting was a blessing to our hearts as the pastor told us of one couple who, when touched by the gospel, were completely changed by the grace of God.

Before the service, we met the assistant pastor and his wife, Curt and Kimberly Goldsbourgh, who graduated in 2004 from Crown. It was exciting to hear that in the summer of 2000 he traveled with Pastor Tim Knipp who we were with just a few weeks ago. Mrs. Rogers was busy setting up the auditorium for their Vacation Bible School. It was thrilling to see a church so on fire! The service was a great blessing to all of us as we sang and testified. The Lord touched the hearts of the people through the preaching of God's Word.

After the service, a few of the teenage girls helped take down the display and carry the tubs back to the trailer. After seeing the teens so willingly helpful, it was great to find them having such good fellowship at the youth activity later that night. Hot dogs, watermelon, and s'mores were fully enjoyed as we sat around the fire and talked with many young people and parents. We must thank the Beck family for hosting the youth meeting and keeping us for the night.
Roscommon, Michigan
Pastor David Hansen

The people of Immanuel Baptist Church have a great love and respect for the armed forces of the United States, and this month they have displayed their patriotism throughout the hallways, classrooms, and auditorium. But even greater than their love of our soldiers is the love they have for lost souls. Pastor Hansen and the church members have a great desire to reach the people of their community with the Gospel of Christ.

We were reunited with faces we had met at Camp CoBeAc in June. Many of the counselors and the camp cook have been attending this church while living in the area this summer. The majority of the counselors come to CoBeAc from other godly Bible colleges across the country.

Also, we met again Bro. Brandon Rodgers. He and his wife work diligently on staff to help the pastor in the church. Bro. Rodgers is the older brother of Jordan Rodgers. Jordan is a senior at Crown this fall and has been a student at the Crown Northwest Division for the past two years. We enjoyed our time of fellowship with everyone in this wonderful church.
Thank you to Pastor Hansen for inviting the trio to come again this year and be a part of your services. We truly enjoyed the pot luck fellowship, Sunday school classes, children's church, and afternoon service.