Traveling in the central United States

Hannah Sculley
Sophomore - Corinth, MS - Music Education
Tiffany Ashmore
Junior - Sarasota, FL - Music Education
Diana Gee
Senior - Fort Pierce, FL - Music Education
Krystal Ashmore
Senior - Sarasota, FL - Secondary Education Math

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Northside Baptist Church

Waterloo,Ontario, Canada
Pastor Neil Sawatsky

Wednesday's travels brought us to the Canadian Mennonite country. Many shops lined downtown St. Jacobs, Ontario. Here we found a variety of jams, syrups, and preserves along with exhibits of quilts and some unusual quilted articles.

Yes, even the cars get chilly in Canada!

That evening Pastor Sawatsky met us at the Northside Baptist Church where we were treated to a delicious Chinese dinner. The trio brought many Christ honoring songs in the evening Bible study hour, and Bro. Swain gave an uplifting message from Philippians.

We would like to give a special thank you to the pastor and church family of Northside Baptist Church for your sweet fellowship and kindness. Also, we would like to thank the Koopmans for generously opening their home to us. We thoroughly enjoyed being with each of you.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Maybe Jason and I need to get one of those car quilts:) hahaha