Traveling in the central United States

Hannah Sculley
Sophomore - Corinth, MS - Music Education
Tiffany Ashmore
Junior - Sarasota, FL - Music Education
Diana Gee
Senior - Fort Pierce, FL - Music Education
Krystal Ashmore
Senior - Sarasota, FL - Secondary Education Math

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Northstar Baptist Church

McMillan, Michigan
Pastor Paul Williams

Our journey "Up North" brought us to the "eighth wonder of the world" - an entire waterfall of root beer! Taquamenon Falls is actually brown because of the surrounding cedar swamps. Mr. Swain said, "It always amazes me how beautiful God's creation is and that He also gave us the capacity to appreciate it." Though the falls were beautiful, we were chased by the not so beautiful mosquitoes - Ouch!

Whitefish Point, our next destination, brought us to the shore of the largest of the Great Lakes, Lake Superior. Instead of shell covered beaches, we found many rocks with a variety of colors and shapes. The sand was warm, but don't step in the water, or you'll get hypothermia!

After a long day of exploration, we prepared ourselves for the meeting at Northstar Baptist Church. It was encouraging to see many familiar faces who we met at the "God's Grace Conference." God used our singing, testimonies, and Mr. Swain's preaching to stir hearts. One man was so touched by Diana's testimony about God supplying laundry money that he gave her a roll of quarters!

What made the meeting even greater was staying with such a loving family that night. The Grumleys were wonderful hostesses. From Kimberley's and Sarah's venison to homemade hot fudge brownies, we were well taken care of. Thank you for having us again this year.


Mom Gee said...

So glad you're still getting along and having a great time! Diana, Did you make that nice man give you money?? God is good! Our prayers are with you all!

Unknown said...

Great pictures.