Traveling in the central United States

Hannah Sculley
Sophomore - Corinth, MS - Music Education
Tiffany Ashmore
Junior - Sarasota, FL - Music Education
Diana Gee
Senior - Fort Pierce, FL - Music Education
Krystal Ashmore
Senior - Sarasota, FL - Secondary Education Math

Monday, June 22, 2009

"Stand Fast in the Lord"

Bay View Baptist Camp
Mt. Morris, IL
Monday-Wednesday, June 22-24
Bro. Aaron Samples, Youth Director

The beautiful wilderness of Illinois greeted us Monday mid-morning along with all of its heat. We left with the teens from the church to go to the campgrounds, and we enjoyed the fun of the trip on our way there. Many activities, games, and events were scheduled for camp -- we joined right in!

Dr. Mike Ray from Nappa, California was the speaker for camp. He brought many challenging and gripping messages that evoked the theme "Stand Fast in the Lord." On Tuesday night, two teens trusted Christ as their personal Saviour. The teens' hearts, as well as ours, were encouraged and convicted through the preaching of God's Word. It was exciting to see the Lord work in many hearts and lives of the teenagers.

Thank you Bro. Samples for inviting us to camp. We enjoyed the fun, activities, and the "roughing it." We were each admonished to "Stand Fast in the Lord."

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